Patients suffering from stroke can receive therapy from their homes instead of visiting the health center all the time. Physiotherapy at home can be useful depending on the number of sessions of the exercises.
50% of stroke victims in UAE are below 50 years which is alarming and requires a lifestyle change. Stroke is among the leading causes of disability in UAE. Other causes of stroke are diabetes, excess fat in the diet, obesity, and unhealthy lifestyles. Stroke patients can receive physiotherapy services from qualified physiotherapists from the comfort of their homes. Physiotherapy services are offered to people of all ages.
Benefits of Physiotherapy for Stroke Patients
Stroke affects people differently depending on where it occurs. Severe strokes can cause permanent disability or the inability to speak. With regular exercise to stimulate the affected area, the patient has a high chance of recovery. Some people choose to receive physiotherapy from home as it saves time and money.
Physiotherapy helps patients to keep fit by stretching and strengthening their limbs and muscles which are rarely used. Physiotherapists encourage the movement of various body parts like arms and legs which help patients to maintain a healthy weight, manage their general health, and eventually gain mobility.
Reduces Pain
Physical therapy enables a patient to release tension, stress, and pain that can build up over an extended period due to lack of movement. Physiotherapy stimulates the body and causes the muscles to relax and to release tension.
Physiotherapy Exercises that can be Conducted at Home for Stroke Patients
Proper care can help a stroke patient to make a full recovery and live a healthy life. Patients who are seeking physiotherapy UAE has numerous specialists who offer these services and guide people to exercise without assistance.
Below are some ways for stroke patients to incorporate physical therapy at home with the guidance of qualified physiotherapists.
Knee Extensions
This exercise requires a patient to be seated then stretching the leg to be parallel to the floor and finally bringing the foot down gently. Repeat this for both legs 10 reps for each.
Biceps Curl
Place your elbows on a flat, steady surface like a table and bend your arm at 90 degrees next hold your arm into a fist then release it slowly. Do 10 reps on the affected hand.
A physiotherapist assists patients who have lost mobility on both hands. They recommend this exercise because the upward action stimulates the bicep while the downward movement works on the tricep.
Mental Strengthening Exercises
Unlike exercises that focus on the muscles, mental strengthening therapy involves stimulating the brain. Physiotherapy UAE specialists use repetition to trigger neuroplasticity and to activate your brain to gain control of the muscles and limbs.
Mirror Therapy
This exercise involves the use of a mirror to create the illusion on the patient’s brain that the affected part can move. A physiotherapist helps the patient to perform exercises in front of a mirror using the healthy limb; however, the reflection shows the affected limb working. Through this exercise, the brain assumes that both limbs work which stimulates neuroplasticity and enhances the patient’s motor skills.
Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy
Physiotherapy UAE experts help patients by restricting the mobility of the strong arm to encourage the use of the affected limb. Repetitive therapy is performed 6 hours a day for 2-3 weeks. This therapeutic activity aims to promote coordination, strength, movement, and flexibility.
Physiotherapists include visualization in their treatment because when a patient sees himself moving it triggers neuroplasticity the way actual movement does.
Using mental practice to complement physical exercises improves the outcome of physiotherapy for stroke patients. This exercise can be conducted after each physical therapy session.
Core Exercises
These exercises help to improve stability which promotes balance and mobility. An example of this exercise is toe taps where the patient lies on the back and extends the legs at 90 degrees. The following step is to bring one foot down and tapping the floor. The last step is to lift that leg using the core muscles. Physiotherapy UAE experts recommend 10 reps on each leg while ensuring the tightness of the patient’s core.
Upper Extremity Exercises
These physiotherapy exercises focus on the shoulders for stroke patients to prevent conditions such as a frozen shoulder. Some of these exercises can be done without the help of a physiotherapist, for example, the table top punching movement. This exercise involves placing an item before you like a water bottle and trying to push it using the affected hand. Remember to rest the forearm on the table to avoid raising the shoulder. Beginners experience shoulder jacking, but this movement goes away with repetitive exercises.
Stroke patients don’t have to lead dull lives because of this disease with the help of a professional physiotherapist; patients are assured of proper treatment and even recovery. Patients don’t have to go to hospitals to receive therapy because they can receive physiotherapy treatment at home or do simple exercises without assistance.