
Which nationality is more in UAE?

The most asking question is which nationality is more in UAE? As you know UAE is changing the face. While comparing the UAE population 2021 with the last year, It will show you the evidence that the UAE population is on its peak. Moreover, with the foreigners the country is growing its population..

I don’t know what the reason is behind. Why people are flocking into the country. As you know there are some taxes that government is applying on the emirates id. If your emirates id has expired you have to renew your emirates id within limited time otherwise you have to pay fine.

Moreover, you need emirates id for living in the UAE. You have to keep the emirates id with you wherever you are going. But, the reason people living there can be the liberal tax policies of the government, it can be beaches, or it can be the ministry for happiness and well-being.

Furthermore, talking about the growth during the Covid-19 the growth of people has been increased 0.05 million within a year. Let’s have a look on the different institutions; it can be more or less according to the government data.

Take a look here to check the lists.

United Nations9,991,000 (9.99)
CountryMeters.info10,051,926 (10.05)2021
Worldometers.info9,973,977 (9.97)
Worldpopulationreview.com9,959,169 (9.96)2021
PopulationPiramid.net9,991,083 (9.99)

UAE population by nationality in 2021

While according to the sources of the 2021 regarding UAE Population Expats is 9.99 million. The Expat Population in UAE is becoming to the 8.84 million. It approximately 89% population. Emirates or UAE nationals, those people who are foreigners there are only 11% or 1.15 million today.

India2.75 million
Pakistan1.27 Million
Bangladesh0.74 Million
Philippines0.56 Million
Iran0.48 Million
Egypt0.42 Million
Nepal0.32 Million
Sri Lanka0.32 Million
China0.21 Million
All other Countries1.79 Million
Total Expat Population8.84 Million

IF we take a closer look then we will know that in 2021 UAE population by nationality there are various people by various countries like more than 200 nationalities are living and working in the UAE. Furthermore, India is the country which has the highest population about 2.75 million people in the UAE.

The next country which has the second highest population about 1.27 million is Pakistan whose people are living and working there. Moreover, Bangladesh has round about 0.75 million nationals, Philippines has round about 0.48 million nationals, Iran has round about 0.48 million nationals like Philippines in  the UAE. However, there are people from Egypt like 0.42 million, Nepal has 0.32 million, Sri Lanka has 0.32 million, China has 0.21 million and other countries in the world has 1.79 million nationals in the UAE.

20219.99 Million
20209.89 Million
20199.77 Million
20189.54 Million
20179.40 Million
20169.27 Million
20159.15 Million
20149.07 Million
20139.0 Million
20128.90 Million
20118.67 Million
20108.27 Million


In conclusion, I would say that we have mentioned about which nationality is more in UAE. According to the sources we have made a list of the nationality in UAE. It shows that India has more nationals in UAE rather than other countries in the world.

The second country which has more people in UAE is Pakistan. This calculation can be high and low according to government official measurements.


This is guest post published by Guest Post Author Loria Smith.

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