Shopper's StopLifestyleTips

How to Shop Smart for Your Holiday Gifting During a Pandemic

So, the holiday season is finally upon us, and it’s looking somewhat different from years past. The Winter season was typically filled with travel plans, hectic visits to shopping malls, and big family gatherings; we imagine that things are looking a bit quieter for you this year. However, that doesn’t mean the holidays and festive season is canceled; au contraire! Families worldwide are still planning to celebrate in their own ways, whether that’s by arranging video calls, participating in socially distanced seasonal activities, or giving virtual gifts.

Many normally-savvy shoppers feel stumped when it comes to gift-giving: what are the smartest ways to buy gifts during a pandemic? Without being able to visit stores in the same way physically, are we missing out on deals? Our answer to you: you’re not missing anything. In fact, with the help of online shopping and seasonal coupon codes, you are likely to strike even bigger deals virtually than you would in other years.

Here are some of our top tips for smart shopping during a global pandemic:

1. Click and Collect is Your Friend

Though it’s been available for quite some time, click and collect services have surged in popularity since the pandemic changed our world. With this service, shoppers can take their time browsing for gifts while in the comfort of their own home— but there’s no need to pay extra for postage, neither is there any chance of it getting lost or arriving late. Instead of dealing with shipping stress, holiday shoppers grab their orders from the store; somebody packages it up, and it is ready to take home, where the gifts can be wrapped and distributed as needed.

2. Think Outside the Box

This year, some of our tried-and-true gifts might need a temporary rebrand. So, let’s say that you usually bring your parents out for a fancy dinner during the holidays. This year, you can order an elegant meal kit from their favorite restaurant or send them gift vouchers to a takeaway service like Deliveroo. You’ll still be able to treat them to a nice meal, even if it’s in their own home. (Hot tip: Deliveroo tends to have great online discounts!)

Online Shopping

3. Look Online First

Some gifts might require browsing and shopping inside a store, but this year, most of what you need will be available through online shopping. If you can, we recommend that you search the internet before browsing a shop; it’ll be far less stressful for you. Besides, many web stores have exclusive coupon codes over the holidays which aren’t available in their brick and mortar shops: three cheers for online discounts!

4. Don’t Forget Your List

Sure, you can spend all day in the shopping mall in normal times, browsing for various gifts depending on what looks appealing. It’s a leisurely, enjoyable activity for many. Unfortunately, this is a lot less common these days; even while wearing a mask, it’s hard to feel relaxed in a crowded shop. That’s why we suggest that, before doing any holiday shopping, you create a list of exactly what you intend to buy and who gets what. It will make any store visits much less stressful— though, as mentioned, we do recommend that you begin with online shopping.

5. Consider Practical Gifts

The luxury travel kit you were considering for your best friend is likely going to gather dust if it’s gifted this year. The truth is, many presents which were cool and practical in other years won’t work this holiday season. Try and think about what your loved ones will actually use. It’s a great year to give houseplants, candles, and other items that will make one’s home feel cozy and inviting.

6. Always Look for a Code

In a year where money has been tight for many, coupon codes and discounts are a complete game-changer! Many great brands and companies have offered several fantastic bargains and discount codes since the pandemic has begun— and they often result in huge savings. What is our advice here? Never click “buy” without triple-checking that there are no voucher or coupon codes available first. If that sounds tiring, no stress: some websites do all the leg work for you.

7. Buy in Bulk

Instead of paying for shipping from multiple companies, streamline your purchase by buying in bulk from one or two chosen brands or stores. It will make your life a lot easier, as well as more affordable. Some stores also offer special discounts on bulk items, which makes shopping a snap.

8. Go Virtual

This year, some gifts are forgoing physical skills in exchange for a virtual “experience” present. It is an excellent way to both shop smart during a pandemic and connects family members who may not have the ability to meet in person due to current restrictions. Try signing your family up for a Zoom-based cooking course, exercise class, art session, or book tickets to a live-streamed concert or theatre show. It’s a great way to bring everybody together, safety— even if you cannot be in the same room physically.

Author Bio:

Rahman Hussain, CEO, and Founder of Digital Conversions Media – VoucerCodesUAE. With 10+ years of experienced Chief Executive Officer with a demonstrated history of working at the leading edge of the digital marketing industry. Skilled in Advertising, Sales, Entrepreneurship, Market Research, Business Strategy, Business Vision, and Management.

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