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Dubai Doctors Focus on Future ‘Pre-Illness’

Future Pre illness Treatment

With the advancements in the medical field, doctors can detect diseases before they occur. This enables the physicians to prescribe appropriate medical care for the patients to prevent chronic conditions in the future. Focusing on future pre-illness depends on the treatment offered at present to thwart diseases that could develop over time, for instance, diabetes.

Doctors in Dubai focus on future pre-illnesses by tapping into the state of the art technology to prevent the onset of chronic diseases like cancer in vulnerable patients. Many patients received healthcare at the primary clinics that offer this treatment. These health facilities don’t focus on the sick, instead, they help those with pre-illness who are yet to receive a diagnosis, but require assistance to improve their lifestyles to prevent future illness. Your doctor will refer you to specialized physicians who make an analysis based on your family history and lifestyles. The DHA encourages focus on future pre-illness by enlightening at-risk patients to switch to healthy lifestyles.

What is Future ‘Pre-Illness’ Treatment?

These types of healthcare aim to help people maintain healthy lifestyles throughout and to extend their years. Monthly or annual check-ups, as well as vital screening tests, can help the doctor to detect underlying problems and prescribe treatment to prevent it from recurring.

Dubai Future Pre-illness Treatment

Several doctors have training from the Dubai Health Authority about ‘pre-illness’ to help them understand and deal with underlying issues. These doctors work closely with other physicians at select health facilities, for example, therapists, dieticians, and health trainers. These specialists focus on controlling and preventing chronic diseases. The DHA aims to provide training to more Dubai doctors and also include mental health among the programs.

The Saada Health Insurance which covers all citizens will pay the cost of the treatment. If you have a reliable insurance provider, ensure that they include the services you receive, for instance, regular tests and screening.

The Dubai Health Authority mobile app called the Hayati, for diabetic patients, can screen the user for indications of signs and symptoms as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. You can also get health advice and where to get services. The app contains educational videos motivating people to make healthier choices. The Ministry of Health and Prevention has an online portal that includes a map and directs people towards facilities that encourage physical activities.

Pre-illness Screening Tests

Pre illness Screening Test

Getting regular screening for chronic conditions helps to detect them at the early stages and offer appropriate care. These conditions are among the leading causes of death and impairments that is why you should prioritize them from an early age. Some of the necessary screening tests are listed below:

Heart Diseases

Physicians use multiple tests to determine your heart’s condition, for instance, blood pressure, body mass index, and lipoprotein levels in your blood. Body mass index and blood pressure tests should be your priority at every check-up. This is because you won’t show any symptoms when your blood pressure is high.


With the rising cases of diabetes in Dubai, it is necessary to go for screen testing to control and prevent this condition. If you are above 45 years, you need to take the tests annually which include hemoglobin A1C level or fasting glucose level. A hemoglobin level of above 6.5% indicates that the patient has diabetes as well as a glucose test of above 126 mg/dl.


There are different screening tests depending on the type of cancer; for instance, cervical cancer requires a pap smear while colon cancer‘s test is the colonoscopy and mammogram for breast cancer.

Dubai doctors advice for a mammogram especially for women above 45 years even if you take a regular exam and feel no lumps. Women above 50 years should have an annual check-up.

The colonoscopy does not only check for the condition in your colon, but also the rectum. This screening helps to identify polyps which are the foundations of cancer.

Cervical cancer can be prevented through vaccination, and it is the most treatable if diagnosed early. Dubai doctors recommend for women below 65 years to have Pap smear tests every 3 years. You can also opt for HPV and Pap smear test every 5 years if you are above 30 years.


Doctors in Dubai recommend vaccinations to prevent severe infections that might occur in the future. The vaccinations prevent conditions such as polio which causes nerve damage and leads to paralysis. Hepatitis A which can be transmitted through infected food and it causes jaundice. This vaccine is necessary because Dubai receives many visitors some of whom could be carriers of the virus.

It is evidence that focus on future ‘pre-illness’ treatment can help to deal with chronic conditions. Doctors in Dubai recommend regular check-up as well as lifestyle changes to prevent and manage such conditions. This treatment aims to provide people with better lives without symptoms and conditions that restrict them from enjoying their lives.

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