
The Newest Workplace Trend to Boost Morale: Fast Feedback

Fast Feedback

For an organization to thrive, the employees must be satisfied with the working condition, terms of employment and even their salary. Getting instant feedback through surveys and questionnaires gives the managers a chance to review the opinions, feelings, and views of the employees concerning their work. Through this, the managers make changes or upgrade the system in order to inspire their employees. More employers in the UAE are embracing the fast feedback method to motivate their employees. There are limitless strategies to collect feedback from workers.

Effective Methods of Collecting Employee Feedback

Gathering feedback from employees has many advantages for the business. Sometimes, workers are anxious when giving their feedback because of fear of authority or because they feel like their opinions will not be taken into consideration.

The following methods will encourage the employees to give their honest views:

  • By conducting employee surveys regularly, you will get know if the employees feel happy with their jobs and positions. Asking questions that point the employees to a specific direction will give room to in-depth thinking which promotes honesty. Questions like “Do you like the break room?” should be avoided because the workers are likely to agree because they are used to it. Conducting surveys regularly makes the employee feel involved in the running of the workplace.
  • Performance reviews help the employer to engage the worker face to face in order to collect feedback based on worker satisfaction and involvement. Facing authorities and employers can be an unnerving experience; therefore, it is necessary for employees to create a calm and neutral environment in order to get honest feedback.
  • Installing suggestion and complains boxes will enable employees to voice their opinions anonymously. This helps to gather honest feedback because there is identity protection. Employees realize that their views are valued Employees will only get fast feedback if they check the boxes regularly.
  • Team meetings are important because employees feel comfortable around their workmates and are able to give their views, opinions, and suggestions.

How a Manager Can Give Feedback

Giving feedback to your employees also boosts their morale by showing them that they are an important part of the organization.

  • Although employees often receive constructive criticism and praises from their employers, it is necessary to motivate them outside the formal context. Giving praises in this context based on work well done is a great morale booster.
  • Give specific statements to avoid sounding like the employee has erred you can reinforce this by providing examples.

How Fast Feedback Boosts the Employees Morale

  • When employers gather feedback they are able to improve and incorporate suggestions given by the workers. The feeling of engagement workers get from these actions makes them work in a free and honest environment. It also encourages teamwork and also individuals are praised for their good work. The workplace becomes an environment where workers and employees interact freely through correction.
  • Fast feedback will enable employees to notice strives and solve them before they escalate. When workers are used to giving their honest opinions, they are freer to give suggestions or recommendations to their colleges without fear of resentment.
  • When employees get used to giving feedback, they start doing it without being asked. This creates a team of dynamic and enthusiastic employees. The management finds it easier to train employees if they recommend it themselves.
  • Feedback gives the employees the opinions and feelings the workers hold towards their positions and the business at large. This information enables the managers to know what to look for when hiring new workers, and what to include in the employees’ packages.
  • By studying the feedback, the employer is able to determine if there is a need for employee reshuffle and who should be moved where. When workers are positioned in areas they enjoy, they tend to be more productive.
  • Since many businesses have various branches in different locations, employee feedback is crucial because it shows the stakeholders whether the policies and regulation are followed. They are able to adjust or do away with these compliances if many employees give negative feedback.
  • Feedback enables business owners to understand the progress of the business, for example, through questionnaires or surveys you will find out if a manager is rude to the workers and the most hardworking members in your team.
  • Fast feedback helps the employer to enlighten the workers on various strategies and goals of the organization. He is able to clarify these facts to employees who may seem not to understand.

Things that Can Hinder Employee Feedback

  1. When the manager always gives negative criticism
  2. If the workers’ suggestions and opinions are not put into consideration.
  3. Failing to recognize and acknowledge the workers
  4. Being strict and unfriendly during customer reviews.

Fast feedback gives employers the insights they need to improve the performance of their businesses. This eliminates assumption and guesses on the part of the management. The employees feel engaged and they are able to work freely and be more productive.

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